Update from the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition - United Way Yavapai County
Update from the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition

Recently, the staff from United Way of Yavapai had the honor of visiting one of our COVID-19 grant recipients, the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition.

The Verde Valley Homeless Coalition, located just a couple minutes away from Old Town Cottonwood, is a notable organization whose mission is to “provide solutions to the needs of the homeless on Verde Valley working with the support of the entire community.”

Through the direction of dedicated staff, mission-oriented volunteers, and community support, the Verde Valley Homeless Coalition is able to successfully provide over 5,000 meals annually, shelter over 1,000 individuals during inclement weather, offer case management and job training services, provide supportive groups, and more.

The Verde Valley Homeless Coalition is not only a safe space for many but it also offers a home and a community to the most vulnerable. If you would like to learn more about the Verde Valley Homeless Colation, please call 928.641.4289. Their website is currently being updated, but will soon be available to the public.

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